Why you should share your story, even if it means getting out of your comfort zone

I was chatting to a Brazilian businessman about his participation at the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos, curious about its allure for private sector companies. He told me he had his doubts about sharing his story at what he considered an event with a somewhat vague mission, but once there, he realized its true value.

Events like WEF and COP28 in Dubai are more than just elite gatherings. They offer a platform for entrepreneurs to influence global economic and business policies. They can also be an eye-opener for private sector firms as they realize their own impact on solving global problems such as reducing emissions.

Addressing misconceptions

Daniel Randon is the CEO of Randoncorp, one of the top ten manufacturers of trailers and semi-trailers in the world and an innovator in areas ranging from industrial processes to biofuels to friction materials for braking systems. His message to the WEF audience was about the development of hybrid solutions in the long-haul trucking space. It could not have been timelier. According to the WEF, 95% of the world’s transportation energy is still coming from petroleum-based fuels like diesel, so the need for innovative technology that utilizes alternative fuels has never been greater.

Speaking to a European audience, he realized there is a misconception about using corn or sugarcane as fuel. People think it’s a tradeoff between food and fuel, but thanks to agricultural developments that increase crop yield without increasing land use, farmers are now producing 2 or even 3 crops of corn and soy per year.

Biofuels are an important part of Brazil’s strategy to transition away from fossil fuels and are seen as a long-term solution for sustainable trucking.  What some people don’t realize is that they are now also seen as a key element in the new Renewable Energy Directive in the EU, as Europe is working on the transition towards advanced biofuels made from sustainable feedstock.

Getting out of your comfort zone

When addressing new audiences outside your region or sphere of influence, you have an opportunity to create awareness and educate people, not just about your own products and services, but also about trends in the industry or a line of business such as supply chain. By positioning your product within a big-picture context, you can better illustrate the real value of what you are bringing to the market and the role it plays in the transformational shifts happening in society and in the economy.

That’s what makes you a thought leader.

Like other entrepreneurs, you may sometimes wonder if it’s worth the effort to post a blog or give a keynote to a new audience. But like everything else in life, communication is a two-way street. By sharing your own insights, you are automatically opening yourself and your business to a win-win opportunity.

Reaping the benefits

Learn more about Randon’s mission to make freight transportation cleaner and the benefits of sharing the story at world events, including

  • Validation and renewed sense of purpose regarding the company’s sustainability strategy
  • Opportunity to clear up misconceptions prevalent in other markets – what works in one region may not work in another
  • Realization that the private sector can innovate quickly
  • Membership in a greater network and a chance to work collaboratively with like-minded partners
  • Collective sense of commitment about not tackling huge problems alone

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As a brand journalist, I have the privilege of hearing many fascinating stories about technology. You can access them at this link.

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